Friday, October 26, 2007

Memory Almost Full

This is the title of Paul McCartney's latest album (Not that I like the Beatles! I just happened upon this press release), and it got me thinkin'

Paul McCartney says the inspiration for the title of his latest album, “Memory
Almost Full,” came from a phrase he saw on his cell phone. “It seemed
symbolic of our lives today,” the 65-year-old ex-Beatle said Monday. “Your
messages are always full. And your mind is always full. And it
doesn’t matter if you’re my age or 20, I think that we all need to delete stuff
every so often.”

For the first time, I’ve been inspired by the Beatles! Not from listening to their music, but from reading this article on McCartney’s latest release. It inspired my sermon for this week, which is from Philippians 3. I’m still doing a sermon series on Philippians (thanks Brett!) and this week’s teaching is focused on vs. 13: “But one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,…” I think this resonates with McCartney’s statement that we need to delete stuff. We need to let go of certain things from our past – baggage we’ve been carrying, negative attitudes, old grudges, sinful behaviors, etc. – and free up some room for the exciting new things that God wants to fill our lives with. Ready with the delete key, everyone!


Anonymous said...

I am surprised Keith hasn't posted all over this blog entry. Don't worry about he Beatles...Keep your eye on the goal ahead.

Jeff Kahl said...

Thanks for that, Jeff.
You (and Paul, and the other Paul) are's amazing how quickly our brains get clogged up with stuff that is best left forgotten. Definitely a good challenge for me.

Jeff Kahl said...


FYI - Last night I was counseling one of my youth who has been holding on to a lot of bad memories. I used your post as an illustration for him of how he needs to let go of the hurt and move on in God's grace.

12 years after our first meeting in the ATS chapel, you are still challenging and equipping me! If it wasn't so early in the morning I'd write a chiasm about it.


The Artist Formerly Known as the Punk

Jeff Vanderhoff said...

Has it been 12 years already? Scary, huh? I'll be waiting for the chiasm!

Brett Probert said...

Good stuff! I especially like the part about how you don't like the Beatles! You go!

Keith H. McIlwain said...

It's an excellent CD, by the way. Good stuff from the best songwriter of the last hundred years.