Friday, June 22, 2007


Perhaps one of the most inspiring moments for me on my recent trip to England was when I saw John Wesley’s grave. This amazing man lived to be 87 years old, which was certainly a ripe old age in those days. As I reached out and my fingers came into contact with the cold stone memorial, I thought of all that John Wesley accomplished in his lifetime, and I was grateful to him for the life he lived and the foundation which he laid for us to build on as we continue to reach people for Christ through the United Methodist Church. I spent a moment reflecting on him, and thinking of what a great man he was. Then I walked around his grave and read the inscription on it, and was humbled by these words at Wesley’s resting place: “READER, if thou art constrained to bless the INSTRUMENT, GIVE GOD THE GLORY.” In other words, if anyone who is reading the accomplishments of John Wesley, and is inclined to think what a great man he was, Wesley’s memory says, don’t. Don’t think of the man, the instrument that God used, instead, give God the glory for using Wesley to accomplish His purposes.
In our churches today, we place a lot of emphasis on what preacher we have, what programs we develop, and on which person is doing what. All of those are important things, but they pale in comparison to the Almighty God we serve. We are tools in the Master’s hands, allowing Him to work in and through us for His purposes. May we look at our own lives in such a way that we let God use us as He will, and whether He chooses us for great things or small, may we always give God the glory! As though speaking beyond the grave, Wesley reminded me once again that it is not about us, it is about the God whom we serve. Give God the glory!


Randy Roda said...

I knew I liked that Englishman...

Jeff Kahl said...

Great reflection, Jeffrey! How often do we want patted on the back for "minor" accomplishments in ministry like a good sermon or "successful" program or a growing congregation....Then you look at what guys like Wesley accomplished in their lifetime, yet they humbly see themselves as mere instruments of God. Definitely a humbling thought....

Brett Probert said...

Neato! I'm a doin' some thinkin' today.

Chris said...

Jeff - Jan and I were able to visit England in 2002. It was an awesome trip. Glad you were able to join the probationers on such a wonderful trip!