Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

We just returned from an outstanding (albeit, short) fireworks display at Idlewild Park. Anything that can keep a 3, 5, and 6 year old boy quiet and focused for any length of time is a wonderful thing in my book! My boys loved it, and had a great time listening to the music and watching the fireworks. As an added bonus, Idlewild has a magic show on the main stage this year which we also got to see tonight, so it was a great night for me! It was an amazing array of sight and sound, with the bright lights and the big booms, escalating into the grand finale to close the show. So where is the spiritual significance? I don't know that there was any, but it did get me thinking. We need to celebrate more. We need to find happy events and special occasions, and mark them in our minds and in our lives with a celebration. When were you baptized? When did you accept God's grace and welcome Jesus Christ into your life? When did you overcome a struggle, or accomplish something that made you (or someone else) feel special? When did you feel God at work in or through you in a special way? Mark an occasion! Buy yourself a vase of flowers, or a balloon bouquet, and celebrate! Send someone else a greeting card and let them know that you celebrate their friendship, or something else about them. Celebrate, share some joy in this world, and give God the glory!


Brett Probert said...

I think instead of buying myself flowers, I'll hire a musician to give me a personal show.

Randy Roda said...

I am celebrating my son Justyn's decision to have Christ in his life. He's 12 and he answerd an altar call at a youth festival in our church last week.

Jeff Kahl said...

Nice! I made Jesus my personal Lord and Savior on October 1, 1990...and I try to remember that as my spiritual birthday.
And, Cherith and I have made Thursday nights our sacred "Date Night" -- I turn off my cell phone, stay away from the church, and we just celebrate being together!

Chris said...

I praise God for my salvation, my wife, and my new baby, Sophia!

Jeff Vanderhoff said...

great stuff to celebrate, everyone. Randy, you must be thrilled and proud as can be.
Jeff, I thought sure you were going to celebrate the years we roomed together, but I guess maybe I can see why Cherith would in out.
Chris - Sophia is certainly a reason to celebrate. I pray that all is well and she will be as much a blessing to you and Jan as I'm sure the two of you are to her.

Prettybird said...

I agree. We do need to celebrate more!


Brett Probert said...

Happy 18th of July!

Jan said...

I grew up going to Idlewild park... in my book it's just the best summer fun for children! (I can't wait to take Sophia to Storybook Forest in particular.)