Sunday, June 10, 2007

Annual Conference Afterglow

I always look forward to Annual Conference, and am always disappointed when it's over and we have to wait another year to get together again on such a grand scale. By far the biggest highlight for me is getting to see all of my friends and colleagues. A very close second is getting to meet the new people that are either coming in to the conference, or just new to me because I haven't met them before. I definitely enjoy the people aspect of AC. The legislation and voting, well, not so much. Every year I take home an overall impression that often sets my direction for the summer and even into the fall. Two years ago I was incredibly inspired by the (at that time) new Bishop, particularly his opening sermon when he took off his robe, put down his staff, came down off the stage (and, symbolically, the pedestal I had placed the office of "Bishop" on for years), and became a partner in ministry with us, while still being veiwed as our leader. Last year, the whole Believe Again! plan served as inspiration to me, and my summer sermon series was based on the "Find Your Path, Share the Journey, Believe Again!" concept, and I later preached on the 5 goals of the plan as well. This year, I'm not sure what I'm taking home with me. I think part of it has to do with the 'politics' of a voting year, which, for me, takes away from the spiritual emphasis of AC, no matter how hard we try to prevent that. While I was impressed with Dr. Vance Ross and thoroughly enjoyed (and was, at times challenged by) his preaching, I did sense an agenda in his presentations that took away from the spiritual aspect that I think would have been more prevalent had the agenda not been there. But, I realize that he was probably doing what he had been brought in to do, and this being an election year for us, I anticipated that our focus would be different. So, what did I come away with this year? First of all, I came away with a renewed sense of relationship - with my fellow pastors (many of you on the blogosphere!), with the probationers and ordinands who it has been my privilege and pleasure to work with, and with God whom we serve. Secondly, I came away with greater confidence in the democratic process of our AC. So often people get caught up in 'politicking' or championing their cause or their candidate, and we fail to see the hand of God at work through the people who make up our AC. I believe we saw God working this week through our process. Finally, I came away with a renewed hope and sense of calling. This comes primarily through ministry night and the ordination service, both of which I sometimes consider skipping due to the length, but which I am glad I attended because of the inspiration and experience of sharing in ministry, affirming the ministries of others, and celebrating together the high calling which God has chosen to place upon us. May we look forward to the year ahead with the anticipation and the challenge of living out that calling in ways that bring honor and glory to the One who has called us.


Jeff Kahl said...

Cool...I'm looking forward to hear what Mark has to say about. I hear he got elected to attend General Conference. I'm glad you saw some positive things about AC. I spoke with a few others who were going with very negative attitudes...I'm sure they'll tell me all the negative stuff.
So are you going to add me to your official blog list...or was my 2nd blog post (before the Symphony one) too offensive for you to endorse me?!?!?
Talk to you later!

Jeff Vanderhoff said...

I am working on getting your blog added to the blogroll. We've all been at AC and away from computers for a week! We'll get you on soon. In the meantime, check out jeff kahl's blog at for some insightful posts on a variety of topics! Stay away from negativity! Life is so much better when viewed from the bright side. God bless, Jeff

Keith H. McIlwain said...

Jeff, I share your joy with Conference as well as your insights regarding agendas, etc. Vance Ross was solid, but, I, too, sensed the undercurrent of an agenda. But, as long as the Spirit prevails, I guess it doesn't really matter. There were some concerns about the process, as well as triumphs, but overall, it went well.

Great to see you and spend some time with you. You are correct...the relational stuff is BY FAR the best thing about Conference!

smkyqtzxtl said...

I didn't know there was a western pa conference blogosphere until last night searching the internet. I have been hooked into a group of Methodists in the south, not knowing the folk up here knew what a blog was, maybe it's my age...most people my age don't "blog", when you tell them that's what you do they say "huh?" Anyway. ithink that it is an important part of the connectional piece that we have in today's church. Holy conferencing on the internet in virtual time. I have ben reading many of the post conference postings thinking about what I will bring to my church as a distillation of conference. I did see God's hand mightily at work and I did see mighty acts of the flesh as well. I was left with a thought that discernment of some things takes time, God's time, and an openenss to listen. I have pledged to listen this coming year more openly and not come to conference with preconceived ideas. God suprised and challenged me many times. Blessings

Randy Roda said...

Jeff and Keith...the relationship stuff rocks. But what agenda are you guys talking about? I guess I missed it!

Jeff Vanderhoff said...

Pamela - welcome to our online community! Glad that you discovered us right here in your neck of the woods, and I hope that you will continue to post your thoughts with us.
Randy - It just seemed to me that rather than preaching on developing our spirituality or inspiring us in our church work, etc., his focus was on influencing us to vote with a sensitivity to diversity, both racial and theological. I believe that agenda came to the forefront on several different occasions. As Seinfeld would say, "not that there's anything wrong with that!", because I realize the focus of our AC this year was on the elections. At the same time, however, I think there could/should have been more to it than that. I still came away inspired, and plan to pass that inspiration on to my congregation!

Prettybird said...

"No more rhyming now. I mean it!"


Jeff Vanderhoff said...
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Jeff Vanderhoff said...

Anybody want a peanut?

Jeff Kahl said...

Humperdink! He'll take one!

Chris said...

Ingleburg marry Humperdink in a little less than half an hour....