Thursday, March 20, 2008

MythBusters (thanks Brett!)

Brett is doing a sermon series called MythBusters, based on the TV show of the same name. OK, it's really based on the Bible, but he's using the TV show as a springboard and point of contact! I'm a consultant on the fire/pyrotechnic aspect of the sermon series, but I claim no responsibility for anything that might go wrong! Anyway, it got me thinking of a sermon series I've contemplated but never done. My idea is different than what Brett is doing, but the name MythBusters triggered my memory and made me take another look at what's been on the backburner for awhile. I'd like to do a series that addresses common misconceptions that people (both in the world and, sadly, in the church) have about the Bible/God/Christianity. Some of the simple ones that I'd like to address are the Mizpah half-heart necklaces (see pic). These are purchased by well-meaning guys and gals all over the world to represent their undying love, devotion, and trust for each other, and the scripture sounds nice. "May the Lord watch over me and thee while we are absent one from another." The context, however, is not so nice! The context of the scripture reveals that Jacob and Laban made this treaty at Mizpah because they couldn't trust each other at all, and the words of the treaty are more a warning that God is watching than they are a covenant of trust and love. Read Genesis 31 for the full story. Another myth is that "God helps those who help themselves." This is from Poor Richard's Almanac, not the Bible, but a lot of people will insist that this is from the Bible. Serious subjects, such as suicide, are also things I'm planning to address Biblically and meaningfully. Many people think that the Bible teaches that if you commit suicide, you go straight to hell regardless of your life or your relationship with Christ. Not that suicide is by any stretch a good thing, but in reality, the Bible doesn't teach that it's a one way ticket to hell. Our manner of death doesn't determine our eternal salvation, it is the choice we make in life to follow Christ that determines where we will spend eternity. I think some of these misconceptions, both big and small, can be used as interesting teaching points and encourage people to really examine their Bibles and be more informed on their everyday theology. I also think these things can work as conversation starters with the world, pointing them to the truth of Scripture. Next time you see someone with a half heart Mizpah necklace, use it as a conversation starter (and shatter their sentimentality all in one fell swoop! I guess you have to tread lightly, but hopefully you get the idea on using everyday stuff to open up doors to share Christ!). I'm interested in other misconceptions you know of that are fairly commonplace in the world and the church that a sermon series such as this one could address. Thanks everyone!


Andrew said...

Hey Jeff!

I'm about to do a series similar to what you're talking about. I'm taking the series title from a book I'm reading by the same name, "The Deity Formerly Known as God". The book is mediocre but the basic premise of addressing the distorted pictures and misrepresentations that are common is a good one, I think. (The book itself is actually a rehash of an earlier book by another author.) The distortions of God's character start humorously (cop around the corner, cosmic slot machine, etc.) but then move to present more biblically grounded metaphors. anyway, have fun, you pyro

Jeff Kahl said...


Sounds like it'll be a very good sermon series. While you're at it, you should go after some of the more serious myths that are actually infecting the denominations, like ultra-liberal theology, moral relativism, and a total misunderstanding of Jesus Christ and His Gospel!


Jeff Vanderhoff said...

Andrew - is that a take off from the artist formerly known as Prince?
Jeff- That is where I want to go with it, or at least that type of thing. I want to start with relatively small misconceptions (like the Mizpah treaty), and move toward more important issues that have a significant impact on our Christian life. I'm open to other ideas as well.

mizpah said...

Great Side! I like your blog, too.
Please have a look at my new sides.
the e-zine for a different perspective.

Beth said...

You are right @mizpah. Nice magazine.
They also got a shop with very nice mizpah jewelery. I bought me and my husband two items from this site. We very lucky about the items. If you are interested in mizpah jewelery, you have to look at this site.
Wonderful items.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!