Friday, September 7, 2007

Balaam's Ass

Have you ever decided on a certain course of action, perhaps even being convinced that it was God's will, only to find that obstacle after obstacle presented itself? For every door that opens, 2 more close. I guess it is still just learning how to discern the will of God, rather than our own human will. Balaam set out on a course of action, and thanks to his ass (meaning donkey, all you members of the explicit content control board!) he was prevented from pursuing it in his own way. Three times Balaam attempted to get his ass in gear, so to speak, and three times he was thwarted in his attempt. At last his eyes were opened, and he could clearly see that God was really the one preventing him from moving forward, until Balaam approached things from God's perspective, not his own. I know there have been times in my life where I have tried very hard to move things forward, or to try something that I truly believed God was leading me to, only to find the path blocked over and over again. It takes awhile, but I finally come to the realization that either my motives aren't right, or the timing isn't right, (or it's just a hare-brained idea to begin with!) or for reasons unbeknownst to me, God isn't leading this one- I am. It is a lesson for me to make sure I realign myself with His will, not my own. Next time you think someone is being an ass, maybe you should be thankful for them! They could be keeping you out of trouble.


Brett Probert said...

Wow, that hurts. Maybe because it is so true...

Keith H. McIlwain said...

I'm so glad God spoke through an ass, and that he still does.

Jeff Vanderhoff said...

What exactly are you implying, Keith? :)

Greg Cox said...

Remember, if the the church is a body - every one needs one.