Sunday, September 9, 2007

NewComers Class

We started our Fall NewComers class at Bethany this morning, and it went great! This is a 4 week class that we hold for people who are interested in joining the church. It's a great way for new people to get to know each other, and to get to know about the mission, vision, and ministries of our church. The class members really responded well to everything today, and I am looking forward to guiding them through this and welcoming them into our fellowship in October. What kind of things do all of you do for new people, and for those who are looking to join the church? I started requiring this class for people at my last church, and here at Bethany, and it has really been a good thing.

1 comment:

Randy Roda said...

Jeff...sounds like a great plan. Thanx for your imput on my thoughts about church membership. They were very helpful.