Thursday, September 6, 2007

Just A Few Questions

This is the title and lyrics of a song by Clay Walker (yes, country music!).

How in this world can we put a man on the moon,

And still have a need for a place like St Jude's?

And why is one man born,In a place where all they know is war?

An' a guy like me, Has always been free.

An' how can two people who built a lovin' home,

Try for years an' never have a child of their own?

When somewhere out there tonight,

There's a baby no-one's holdin' tight:

In need of love. To me, that don't add up.

But I wasn't there the day you filled up the oceans.

I didn't get to see you hang the stars in the sky.

So I don't mean to second guess you,

Or criticise what I don't understand.

These are just a few questions I have.

An' why did my cousin have to die in that crash?

A good kid, only seventeen, I still wonder 'bout that.

It seems unfair to me,

Some get the chance to chase their dreams,

An' some don't.But what do I know?

Why do I feel like you hear these prayers of mine.

When so many oughta be ahead of me in line?

When you look down on me,

Can you see the good through all the bad?

These are just a few questions I have.

I share some of these questions myself, but the biggest ones definitely involve children. Why is child abuse so prevalent? How can God possibly allow child pornography to even exist? Why do children get cancer, or get abducted, mistreated, molested, etc.? I know of a couple right now who are on the verge of divorce. The wife has prayed so much for things to improve, but they've only gotten worse. Where is God in this? Is it not in His will for us to have healthy marriages, and not to divorce? Why then, do so many prayers appear to go unanswered? I'll post some theological questions later that I wrestle with, in addition to these every day life issues. These are just a few questions I have.


Randy Roda said...

Freedom is both wonderful and tragic. That's really all I can say.

Jeff Kahl said...

I knew I liked country music for a reason (other than the fact that I had to listen to it all the time in the old apartment above Wagner's).

I just did a random thing in youth bible study this past week....I passed out note cards and told the teens to write down any questions they were struggling with. They could keep them anonymous. I told them that we'd "discuss" them...and it was yet another reminder of how much I don't know. It was a blessing to just be together with them and acknowledging our ignorance before God.

Jeff Vanderhoff said...

Jeff - what were some of the questions the youth had? I'm curious to know!

Jeff Kahl said...

Here's a few examples:

1. If Jesus is really the King of the Jews, why do the Jews not believe in him?

2. Would God send someone who commits suicide to hell?

3. If a person leads a bad life (does drugs, sex before marriage, etc...) but believes in Jesus, will that person still go to heaven?

4. Are Mormons Christians?

5. Why would God create cancer/disease if He really loves us?

and my personal favorite:

6. If God really loves us, why did He create Jeff Kahl? (The jerk who wrote that one has since lost his thumbs and both ears).

Jeff Kahl said...

p.s. Now you know why I look at the blogs so often.....I figure if I don't have the answers, one of you guys just might!

Keith H. McIlwain said...

When dealing with these horrible issues, I try to live in the questions, rather than the answers. That might sound weird, but too often, I think, we evangelicals want ANSWERS, and there's something to be said for letting God deal with us through the QUESTIONS.

When ministering to folks who are dealing with these tragedies, I often remind them of the greatest promise of the Faith...that Jesus is truly "God with us", no matter what.

Brett Probert said...

What? Huh? Man is hard to type with no thumbs.