Monday, August 6, 2007

Cult of Personality

Click to view my Personality Profile page

I decided to take this test that everyone is posting about, and discovered that I am an ISFP. I know from similar inventories that I am a peacemaker, I avoid conflict like the plague, and I am more people-oriented than task-oriented. I find these things helpful in ministry because it helps me to see my strengths and weaknesses as they relate to myself and to others. Check out your profile at!


Andrew said...

Hey Jeff!

Compare with your favorite brother-in-law! No surprises here. :)

Keith H. McIlwain said...

Jeff, you and I aren't too different!

Brett Probert said...

Jeff: please don't fret too much over Keith's comment. I'll be praying for you.

Eric Park said...


I'd like to find the personality inventory that might explain your penchant for kissing horses--a fetish highlighted in one of your recent blog photos!!!!

Jeff Vanderhoff said...

Keith - A bit frightening, isn't it?
Eric - Just goes to show I'm completely sold out and will do anything to promote our church camps! This year my campers raised over $300 in campership money, so I allowed myself to be tossed into the horse trough. Despite all of this, I'm still told that Brett is crazier at camp than I am!
Andy - nice to see you on the blogs! Do you have one up and running yet?